Have Love, Live Life, Will Travel
Aging creeps up on us. It seems like just yesterday that we were in high school and then college or our first jobs. Suddenly we turned around and realized that our twenty-something mind is trapped in a fifty or sixty something body.
Our friends are dealing with elderly and ailing parents. We’ve had to fight arthritis, heart problems and cancer. We suddenly start to feel mortal after all. We begin to realize that life really is too short and start to do the things we’ve always wanted to do.
So how could this happen? We haven’t even been middle-aged yet! That’s at least ten years away…isn’t it? Okay, so we’re only as old as we feel and some days that can be pretty old.
We’ve lost communication with old friends. Our hobbies change as our bodies change….active games of football, basketball and softball are replaced with riding around a golf course in an electric cart or watching the aforementioned games on television.
We’ve gone from radio to B&W TV to color TV to Betamaxx recorders to VHS tapes to DVDs and DVRs. We used to ring up the operator to make a phone call, now we talk to our steering wheel or into our wireless headset on our mobile phones Even better, we use Skype, Facetime, and other video calling services to see and talk.
We’ve seen the invention of Velcro, microwaves, sticky notes, glues that peel off walls, satellites used for phones, television and mapping, frost-free refrigerators, space blankets….and so much more.
Since age fifty I have learned to ride my own motorcycle, been widowed, ridden cross-country solo on my motorcycle (42 states, 27k miles), gotten my first tattoo (followed by several more), made the decision to head onto the road and live full-time in an RV AND met my current husband (who was also a full-timer, widowed and a Harley rider).

Donna leaving Nevada [2005]
I continue to savor each day as it comes, learning life’s lessons once again, but on a different road. I continue to find and make many wonderful new friends and always try to keep in contact with old ones. I try to help others as they help me…
I have been blessed to meet and marry a wonderful man, Stuart. We have traveled many miles in our RV (a 41′ KZ Toy Hauler pulled by our medium duty FL-60 Freightliner), even more miles on our motorcycles (Rt 66 in 2013, what fun), moved to and lived in Cuenca, Ecuador for two years, and cruised to/visited Alaska and Panama and the Caribbean.

Stu at Dive Quest (Epcot, Walt Disney World)
Passions have been resumed – Stu is doing as much scuba diving as possible and I am writing books (mostly small town mysteries). Life is good.
What are YOU doing?