Stu will be home today, happy me! I can completely rest my knee all day tomorrow and see how it does. All the walking with the #2doods has kept it irritated with some pain and swelling. Tomorrow it will be elevated as much and often as I can.
I have snapped a couple of sunset and yes, even a couple early shots on our walks. Enjoy…
As to the #2doods, they’re never bored, even in the RV. Here is a video to prove it. Oh, Cooper is the one in the lead, leaping down the stairs and Murphy is the one that waits for him to turn around in the garage space and come tearing back through.
No, they’re not always good as this photo shows….at least it has lasted more than a couple of months!
And a couple more…indoors and out.
Murphy’s favorite way to sit in the RV…
We rang the bell, are you taking us out or not?
Cooper decides there’s nothing exciting in his view and relaxes his guard…