The day started off slow – the scooter we had ordered for me (which was supposed to be there yesterday at 5pm) was late arriving. It wouldn’t have been a huge issue except we had a Fast Pass reservation for the Na’vi River Journey in the new Pandora area (from the movie Avatar). Once it arrived, I had to learn how to use it. Not much time since our bus was coming! Well, guess who learned how to parallel park a scooter. LOL! (Yes, it got easier each time I did it.)
We made it in time for the ride and really enjoyed ourselves. It was very reminiscent of the movie and I tried to take some photos. Some turned out good, some, not so well. Here’s a couple…
The section of Animal Kingdom set aside for Pandora is quite an achievement. There were a couple other rides but they were either booked solid for Fast Pass or had a several hour wait.
It rained off and on, sometimes quite heavily. We just donned our raincoats and slogged it through. By the time our Fast Pass for the Kilimanjaro Safari Trek arrived, the rain had mostly stopped. We were lucky we could take the scooter all the way to the platform set aside for them. Saved me a lot of walking and standing.
We didn’t anticipate seeing much in the way of animals with the cooler, wet weather. Boy, were we ever wrong! We saw more animals than on any other time on the ride (5-6 times at least). Unfortunately I wasn’t on the outside so it was hard to get some of the pictures I would have liked. Then toss in bumps on a rough ride and there is more fuzz than I’d like.
We ate lunch at Tiffin’s…it was delicious and I got to try some great cheeses that I’d never eaten. I forgot to get photos of the meal. Oops! We did a little more wandering but by 4pm, we were both beat and headed back to the room. We ate at the resort and crashed very early.
Tomorrow it’s on to Epcot!