Nothing major has been going on, just the usual, but wanted to post an update. Here are a few things that have happened recently…
- Had a big errand day in Cookeville – got the car washed, shopped at Sam’s Club, visited Hobby Lobby TWICE, went to the movies, & got the dogs groomed.
- Learned Hobby Lobby is so much more than arts & crafts!
- Discovered our clematis vines refused to be completely dug out, had to put two trellises back into place.
- Rose bushes not only survived the transplanting, they are thriving.
- The day lilies as well – blooming in all their new spots.
- Ordered a reflective house number sign for the side of our mailbox (the numbers on top faded in 18 months so even though we replaced them, they aren’t reflective and will fade again).
- Got a bargain at Walmart on rockers for the front porch – only $49 each and they are good quality and BIG! Love them.
- The back yard blackberries are coming in and we are letting the neighbor boy come collect before the birds eat them all.
- We have baby barn swallows in, yup, the barn (no, not the Backend of Nowhere pole barn, the horse barn).
- We learned to not leave equipment underneath an active nest in the barn.
- Shutters on the front of the house got repainted (photo doesn’t really show how faded they had gotten but they look GREAT now).
Here are some pics to enjoy…see if you can match them with the items above.
And, of course, we can’t sign off without a little fun from the #2doods!
How are you enjoying your summer?
Ciao for now!