What is the Secret Subject Swap. Simply put, a group of bloggers submit ideas, topics, or questions to be answered in a post. Then the hostess, Karen @BakingInATornado.com, divies the ideas back out to the participating bloggers. Then they write. These brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were in turn assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Here are links to the blogs featuring their Secret Subject Swap posts today. So sit back, grab a cuppa, and check them out. You’re bound to find one to enjoy and maybe even promote some thoughts of your own.
Here are this month’s brave bloggers:
- Baking In A Tornado
- Wandering Web Designer
- Spatulas on Parade
- The Bergham Chronicles
- Never Ever Give Up Hope
- ME! Our Prime Years
- Climaxed
- Part-time Working Hockey Mom
My subject was submitted by the Climaxed blog and is as follows:
“Scandalous gossip involving you speeds its way through your town/neighborhood/friend group. It’s absolutely false, but you have no proof, and it’s affecting your relationships and opportunities. What would you imagine the scandal to be? How do you rectify things?“
photo credit: susanjanegolding ladies with bags via photopin (license)
“Did ya’ hear about Jazelle?”
Shondra stared at her BFF. “Don’t spread gossip.”
“Just don’t. You could ruin somebody’s life, sharing stuff that you don’t know if it’s true or not.” She went back to rummaging through her backpack leaving Nia sputtering beside her.
“It’s true. I should know.”
Shondra sighed in exasperation. “And how should you know?”
“Cause I was there when it happened.”
Neither girl noticed the older women beside Nia leaned in closer.
“Fine. What happened.”
Nia lowered her voice. “She slept with the whole football team.”
“Excuse me? The whole team?”
Nia shook her head sending her braids flying in all directions.
Shondra frowned. “I thought you said you were there. The whole team?” she asked again.
“Well, I was at the game,” she pouted, “and Terrell came out of the locker room bragging about it.”
Shondra snorted. “That doesn’t make it true. You know boys, they’ll brag about anything sexual. Besides, Jazelle doesn’t even date.”
“Un-huh! She’s been dating Deshaun for a month now. And he’s the captain of the football team.”
“I’m not convinced. I still think it’s best to stop spreading rumors, especially ones that can ruin somebody.”
Both girls were startled when the lady beside Nia leaned over. “Your friend is right. Gossip can be so deadly. When I was your age, someone started a rumor about me and it did ruin my life for many years. I had to pack up and move to start over.”
Both girls mouths formed perfect circles as they breathed out an OH.
“Yes, it was horrible. I’ll never forget it. I made one little mistake and it got blown all out of proportion. No one would believe me so I had to leave.”
Nia was the first to speak. “What happened?”
Shondra added, “What was so bad you had to move?”
The elderly woman leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment before continuing. “I was sixteen and quite shy. I’d never dated so when the most popular boy in my class asked me to the movies, I was thrilled. We went to the drive-in, do you know what that is?”
They nodded.
“When the movie was over, we talked about the movie as most of the cars left. My date suggested we use the restrooms before we left. As I came out of the ladies room, six boys grabbed me. They dragged me behind the building and raped me. Including my date. The next Monday in school everyone was talking about how I screwed a dozen boys.”
“Oh no!” A tear slid down Shondra’s cheek and Nia’e eyes were downcast.
“It got worse. I ended up pregnant and I had no idea who the father was. I ended up moving to another state to live with my aunt and giving the baby up for adoption. I never married, I could never bring myself to trust any man.”
“That’s horrible.” Shondra reached out and held the woman’t hand.
“I’m so sorry. I won’t do that to anyone.” Nia looked from the woman to Shondra. “Honest!”
Satisfied her tale had stuck a nerve, the woman stood to get off the bus. She waved to the girls and told them, “Always remember how you would feel if it were you the gossip was about.”
Some good quotes I found about gossiping:
How would your life be different if…You walked away from gossip and verbal defamation? Let today be the day…You speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.” ~ Steve Maraboli
“People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought.” ~ Unknown
“Whoever gossips to you, will gossip about you.” ~ Spanish Proverb
“Isn’t it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?” ~ Sean Covey
“Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.“ ~ Korean Proverb

Love where you took this prompt, leave it to age to impart wisdom. Wish that old lady could talk to all young adults.
Thanks, the photo told me the story, all I did was write the words.
So very true. This story you told was all to familiar. My best friend in junior high had it happen to her. She did move away and had an abortion. Her parents never knew about that. She was haunted for years over the gossip, the horrid truth and her consequences.
So sad…one reason for my FACT or FICTION at the top. I know it’s happened, I can even remember one instance when I was maybe 12 when rumors were flying about our minister and the mother of one of my friends. It was false, but the family moved out of town.
What is it with people spreading rumors like this? Are they that bored with their own, uneventful lives?
Insecure people…it’s sad.
I love this! A great reminder wrapped in a great story! You took the prompt in a way that most people wouldn’t have.
Thanks, Rena. The photo I found set the tone…
Anytime someone comes to me with gossip, I keep in mind something like one of your quotes here–that if this person is willing to talk badly about someone I don’t even know to me, then they’re doing the same about me. That’s definitely not someone I want in my life. I try really hard to impart this wisdom on my 13 year old son, but teens are basically aliens. I don’t know if we speak the same language anymore, but I have to try. haha
Teens are aliens! Thanks for taking time to stop by and read/comment!