I’ve known Barb Crews since 1997 when we were both web content providers for a new web portal, The Mining Company . We’ve never met, ours is an online friendship. I followed along as her daughter, Susan Titus, battled a rare and aggressive cancer. You can read more about Susan and her battle here. In her honor, Barb started the Team Susan: #50actsofkindness group on Facebook where people share their RAK. Sometimes they post details, sometimes they just post ‘done’. It’s an uplifting group and one I am proud to help moderate.
[bctt tweet=”#50actsofkindness One act per month for one year. Can you help?” username=”dbmcnicol”]
Susan made such a difference in so many people’s lives. We know, we’ve heard so many stories from you. But we don’t want it to stop now that she is no longer with us. We want to continue her legacy with a challenge to friends and family.
Susan always did little acts of kindness — let’s continue those acts of kindness by challenging ourselves to do a weekly act of kindness in her name. It doesn’t have to be much, just something that makes someone smile, makes their day or helps them out.
How to help honor Susan, from her mother, Barb Crews:
It’s August, Susan’s Birthday month. August 18. She would have been 51 years old this year.
For those who have been with me since then, you might remember our 50 Acts of Kindness — I tried to get at least one person in each state to do an act of kindness in her name or in the name of a loved one who has or had cancer. It worked and I had fifty people commit to doing an act of Kindness in every state.
It was only with your help that every state was covered, some with more than one person.
It’s time again.
The Goal: At least one person in each state, and any countries we can cover.
The Act: Anything you want it to be. It can be a compliment you go out of your way to do, paying for the next person in line at the coffee shop, buying school supplies for a kid that needs them or sew a few Chemo Port Pillows for cancer patients.
I hope some of my friends across the world will join in – even if you don’t join the Facebook Group to announce your intentions. Post your commitment in a comment and I will be sure Barb sees it. Thank you!

What a lovely act of remembrance #MLSTL
Thank you, Lydia.
What a touching tribute. I’m in and have submitted a request to join the Facebook group. I will share on social media. XO #MLSTL
Wonderful, just approved you in the group. Welcome!
That’s just beautiful Donna and I will definitely do my next RAK in memory of Susan – that spreads the love as far as Australia 🙂 I’ve also shared this on my SM to send the message out further x
Thank you so much, Leanne.
An absolutely perfect tribute. Spreading the love and RAK in Queensland, Australia. #MLSTL
Thank you so much, Jo. It’s much appreciated!
What a lovely way to honour Susan and yes I will join you Donna. I’m also spreading the message of RAK from the Gold Coast in Queensland. Kindness costs nothing but brings so much to the lives of others and our own. Thanks Donna for sharing at #MLSTL and I’ll be sharing on SM. xx
Thank you, Sue. It’s much appreciated!
Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone concentrated on being kind. That’s all we need.
I absolutely agree! Thanks for stopping by.