Time is flying and we haven’t stopped to take a breath except for movie Monday. We saw Ad Astra. Um, can’t recommend unless you just love space movies. Slow moving, way too artistic/introspective, but had great special effects.
He also upgraded his iPhone 6 to an iPhone 8 while we were in town. He spent an evening getting it all updated and getting the settings redone. He likes it and now he can keep up with all the updates. We also looked at the new Apple Watch Series 5. I am pretty sure I will get on by the end of the year, hoping for some holiday special pricing. Time will tell.
Stu has managed to wash our entire RV (and he said it was REALLY dirty) as well as the Freightliner. He’s done a lot of small (and not so small) updates to the rig. It’s looking almost new!
Besides the adorable little tree frog (far from any trees), we seem to have another visitor. One who is eating the frogs and fish in our pond.
We’ve also had a couple of visits from these guys…I think they are Katydids.
And last but never least…here are a couple of pics of the #2doods.
They were licking each other’s face after sharing a peanut butter spoon. LOL!
Here they are waiting to lick my bowl after I finish my yogurt and fruit.
It will be several days before we settle into our new routine in the RV, two days of traveling (we hope), then seeing how the #2doods get along with the dogs in Maryland. We will be doing a lot of walking regardless.
The month is jam packed with events and meeting up with a host of family & friends. I will blog when I can squeeze in some time.