Where did December go? Heck, where did the year go? It seems like yesterday I was struggling to remember to type 2019 and now it starts all over again. Does it feel the same to you? I think as we age, time definitely passes more quickly.
We manage to stay busy most of the time, there are always chores to do as well as maintenance and repairs. Thank goodness Stu is so good at that kind of thing. Me? Not so much. Well, chores like laundry & groceries, I can stay on top of that. Stu has been helping with the house cleaning due to my restrictions but believe it or not, I look forward to being able to resume all my chores. Currently, that won’t be until late May. Oh well…there is lots of writing to get done.
If you don’t follow my author blog or subscribe to my newsletter, you may have missed my 2020 goals. I have my writing mojo back and will be blogging here less and writing books more. That’s good news, right? Come spring, Stu hopes to get back to work on the Backend of Nowhere Garage, getting the electric put into place and activated and the biggie – getting the concrete floor installed.
Timeline? Well, January is time to get taxes ready for our accountant (98% my chore) as well as a couple of medical procedures in Knoxville, prepping for our two week cruise in February (plus a week of driving to New Orleans and back home), and in between, getting some writing done. February, pretty much gone with our cruise but since I am heavily restricted I will be spending a fair amount of time on the cruise writing! March is surgery month so more writing. If all goes well, both my novellas should be ready by the end of the month.
April will bring the start of spring and nicer weather, I’ll still be writing but hope to be working on a new mystery/thriller trilogy set in Montana. More about that will be announced on my author blog soon. I expect the three books will take me through the end of the year.
Now, back to the past month. Here is a little of what we’ve been up to. We had a nice quiet Christmas at home. Stu made brunch that was delicious – French Toast made with locally baked by the Mennonites raisin bread, sliced thickly. Add bacon and Yum, Yum!
For me, it was a holiday legging month. Here’s a composite…
Then I got a couple more at Walmart after Christmas at 50% off. These two were only #3.94 each are are warm and plush.
And these were only $2.22! Thinner and will probably only last one season but hey, what the heck!
Other than our holiday meal, we are still eating low carb. We tried a couple new recipes. One was a huge hit…Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers. So good, in fact, we’re having it again on New Year’s Eve.
The other was Chicken Fajita Casserole and not quite as good as I would have liked. We will try again with a few changes.
We also ordered these two custom angel ornaments…only $8 and made to your color choices and embellishments. We love them. You can order your own, just contact me and I will put you in touch with Reba’s Desert Angels. I’m also ordering custom metal beaded bookmarks for giveaways on my author site.
We had a pretty sunset one night and I snapped a couple of photos with my iPhone.
And not to be left out, here are a couple of photos of the #2doods doing what they do best! LOL!
Murphy…Oh, and we both had our annual checkups with our doctor and all went well for both of us. I snapped this pic while waiting…LOL!
And that about wraps things up…here’s to a banner year for all of us!