I missed getting a Sunday post written – things have been a bit hectic with all the COVID-19 news flowing around. I’ve been staying on top of it due to 1) our age & medical issues and 2) my impending surgery (3/23). So I thought we should check in AND check up on our friends!
We are fine, well stocked up even with dog food. We’ve (read – STU) made a couple of Walmart pickup runs as well as the Dollar Store and our local IGA to fill in what we needed to stay isolated for a couple of weeks.
Isolated, as in don’t go out where there are people. There are people, lots of people in hospitals. Hospitals where I would be staying overnight after my surgery. Plus, we all know how many germs float around a hospital. University of Tennessee Medical Center started to limit visitors but as of today, were still unsure about rescheduling elective surgeries.
But after discussing it with both my surgeon’s office and between us, mine is being postponed. Fortunately (we hope) they had a cancellation on April 27th so that is my target date now. If things aren’t cleared up by then, it will have to be pushed into late May or even June.
Oh well, it is what it is….in the meantime, we’re doing all we can to avoid catching this virus. I hope you are all doing the same – keep us posted!