January and February flew with our preparations for being gone for three weeks, off to New Orleans and our two week cruise to the Panama Canal. March, we settled into what we thought was maybe a month of staying home, worst case it would be six weeks. Well, here we are two months later and now we anticipate another two months, maybe more. The good news is other than some minor inconveniences, our day to day hasn’t changed a lot. The sad news, several friends have lost loved ones to the virus. The best news, no one in our family has contracted the virus.
What else has happened here on the home front?
And a favorite – Caption This Photo!
Stu is still doing all the running around errands but we are keeping them as minimal as possible. I did have a package that needed mailing and it was time to check the PO Box (for author stuff) to see if there was anything of interest.
He reported back the little local post office had a plastic guard in front of the clerk. The card reader that is normally out front was handed to him and as soon as he finished, they wiped it down, including the stylus. Good folks!
I had a spot on my back that I’ve had for a while but it was changing. Had Stu take a photo and I sent it to my dermatologist office to see if they thought it should be looked at or could it wait until my annual appointment (they are doing no annuals until August when they will start booking them again). They called and wanted to see me with a possibility of a biopsy.
My instructions were to call when I arrived and parked. They’d check me in and then call me back when they had a room ready. The front door stays locked. When I got my call, I went to the door and waited until they let me in. The nurse immediately took my temp (if it had been over 99°, would have been sent home).
All the medical staff were wearing masks, front desk clerks were not (assuming that’s because they have a 6 ft social distance). Fortunately no biopsy was required…back home after sanitizing, then tossed clothes in for washing. Fun day…LOL!
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Ladies T-shirts & Mugs
Great for gifts and fun for yourself!
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