That’s been the weather lately with a heavy emphasis on the rain, often accompanied by colder temps. We even had a frost warning one night. A couple of severe weather warnings netted us nothing but a lot of wind and, you guessed it, more rain.
But in between, we’ve been busy. Stu has been working on closing in the fencing around the pole barn. When it was done, the dogs were beside themselves. All that room to run – and a pond – and bunnies – and frogs. You get the idea. They are really enjoying it but we can still close the gate and keep them in just the back yard.
I’ve been busy with a new toy. It’s a digital notebook with reusable pages. Not high tech, but I like it. It’s from Rocketbook. I got the basic model in the Executive size (6″ x 8.8″) but they also offer the notebooks in letter size as well as a mini-notebook. They also offer multiple colors. It comes with a special pen, a Pilot Frixion, which allows you to easily erase what you write using a little water and a microfiber cloth.
You write on the pages, with ONLY a Pilot Frixion pen, scan it with the Rocketbook app on your phone or tablet, and it gets sent to the locations you have chosen. You can set up, on the app, up to seven different destination ranging from email addresses to the various cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, Evernote, OneNote, etc.).
I’ve tried several different types of Frixion pens in various colors. I’ve ordered & returned one cover and am waiting on a third (inexpensive) one to arrive. I want to be able to fold the cover behind for a smaller profile in my lap.
While not perfect, it’s going to save a lot of paper in our house!
We’re still self-quarantining ourselves but Saturday was too nice a day to waste. We headed out on the motorcycle to neighboring Cookeville via back roads. Once there, we ordered out from Firehouse Subs for lunch. On the way there, we saw a nicely shaded picnic table at a closed for the day business. Perfect spot for lunch!
The weather was perfect for riding and we saw many other motorcycles on the road. Traffic was definitely lighter, some businesses were closed while others were business as usual. All in all, a great day! Cooler weather and more rain is in the forecast all week so we were glad to have a chance to get out.