First, I hope all the mothers/mothers-to-be/step-mothers/replacement mothers/bonus mothers had a great day yesterday!

In case anyone is wondering why no work is being done on Stu’s pole barn/hobby garage this year:
- Taxes – oh yeah, another year with a big tax bill. Glad the filing/payment date has been extended
- Sick Scooby – our pickup has been sick for a while, got notice that it will be in the $2k+ range to fix
- Inflation – everything, except fuel (which we aren’t using) is increasing
That’s just for starters. LOL!
Our high for Crossville on Christmas Day (2019) was 64 degrees, after a morning low of 40. Our high Saturday, May 9 will be in the lower 50s, after a morning low in the upper 20s. So yes, it will be colder than Christmas.
From our local weatherman, Mark Baldwin
In other news, we had a REAL cold snap this week with temps in the 30s at night. Not taking the electric blanket off yet! Brrr…..where did spring go? So glad we got a couple of nice days where we could have the door to the back deck open.
Here’s Murphy on the left (with Cooper laying on the deck) and then Cooper on the right after Murphy went out.

Saved a couple of fun images on t-shirts. They both gave me a giggle, hope they will you, too.
And, in still other news, my surgery has been rescheduled for June 22nd. Please join me in hoping Memorial Day weekend hordes don’t cause a second recurrence and cause another delay. I’ve been waiting for this to get fixed since last October. I am SOOO ready for this to be corrected so I can start walking with Stu & the #2doods. I know it will be August before the major restrictions are lifted (no heavy lifting, straining, tugging, stretching) and for me, it will be too hot to walk then but at least I can go back to building up strength on the elliptical. Come fall, walking it will be!