A little synopsis of our week in photos…

Cooper “LOVES” leather
We managed to get this on order, supposed to arrive by June 1st.

And so it begins…

…Ta-Da! Shelves cut back for easier use, all organized again!

Naked kitchen window

Not so naked…now the kitchen blind can be raised in the mornings. Same awning as we put on the front of the house last year but could only get it in green. I like it!

Our collection of masks & accessories collected from various sources
And the SNAP? Well, remember this guy?

Our March visitor
Sunday morning he was back and the dogs had him trapped. He was hissing and snapping at them before Stu took the dogs away. He waited an hour before going back out and he was gone. Phew!
And, in other news, we got a great deal at Home Depot on a rolling toolbox made by Dewalt. Normally $155, we got it for $125 with free shipping. When it arrived, one box (the bottom rolling one) was missing. After 45 minutes on hold and another 30 minutes dealing with the issue, a replacement for the missing part was ordered. Once it arrived, it was immediately put to use. Here’s Stu using it to put up the awning over the kitchen window.