Well, our turtle is back – for the third time. The smaller of the two, that is. The dogs are happy to announce the arrivals.
The first time, Stu relocated him to the big pond across the street. The second time, he was trapped under our shed and when Stu went back, he was gone. The third time he was on the other side of our fence in our neighbor’s yard and we let them relocate him (or her).
In other nature news, we definitely have fish (and frogs, LOTS of frogs) in our pond. To encourage their growth we ordered some fish food pellets from Chewy.com. The #2doods enjoy going out to the pond to feed the fish every day. If you look close at these photos, you can see several of them.
They were a bit reticent the first feeding, a little quicker with the second, and by the third they were at the surface waiting for the food. I don’t know who looks forward to this the most – the #2doods for the outing, the fish for the food, or Stu enjoying watching them eat.
We got an email that our freezer had shipped so Stu spent more time reorganizing the garage prepping for the delivery. The #2doods were happy to help.
Needless to say, it’s been an exhausting week for the #2doods.
A final note – today is Memorial day, a day designated to remember and honor those who have given their lives to keep us safe and free.