Not a lot of news. IT’S HOT! But not near as hot as some places around the country, so I’m not complaining. Heck, I stay indoors 99% of the time anyway.
I had my two week post-op checkup on Tuesday and all was good. I go back in another six weeks for my final check-up and release from any physical restrictions (fingers crossed). My energy has gotten better but there are still those days when a couple hours on the computer and I’m exhausted. (For the ladies who might be interested, I’ve journaled my whole journey with pelvic prolapse and my surgery HERE.)
We’ve had a week of afternoon thunderstorms. That’s good and bad. It’s good for our pond (and the fish in it) as well as our plants, bushes, and trees. Not so good for keeping up with the fast growing lawn. Stu keeps running the mower(s) in between the raindrops.
The #2doods are doing good. Cooper’s ear infection seems to be gone and we’ve promised him we will do a better job of keeping up with his ear cleaning.
On the not so good side, my 32 year old grandson who lives in upstate NY was diagnosed with COVID-19 this week. The hospital has him in a motel room and his mother and two brothers are in the area to help him. Please keep him in your thoughts.
The other not so good – we came home from my checkup to a dead dishwasher. Yup, we’ve had to resort to doing them by hand (OH, the horror of it all…). LOL! But we did manage to get a new one ordered from Lowe’s. We opted for the Bosch since it has good reviews, is highly rated by Consumer Reports, and it has a stainless steel tub as well as foldable tines (didn’t know they could do that). It should be here in less than two weeks. Until then, we’ll manage.

Thank you for the update. I’ve been a fan a long time and glad your recovery is going well. Very informative and helpful details of your journey. You are amazing for many reasons! 🙂
Thank you for still visiting and reading!!
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