The cooler weather has finally moved in, the hummingbirds are gone, and the leaves are turning brown and falling. For me, it’s been sweatshirts and fuzzy slipper time. Yippee!
As mentioned last week, Stu made a quick trip to see kids/grands and other family in Maryland and I stayed home with the #2doods, Cooper and Murphy. Normally they aren’t much trouble. Actually, Murphy is never any trouble and Cooper, well, that’s a different story. Seems there was a cat under our shed and Cooper managed to pry the wire screening free enough to slip under there.
So I call in our neighbors to help get him out as he appears stuck. By the time they bring back materials, he’s out (in the front unfenced yard) and the cat is out as well. Screening tacked down and all is good. Right?
Wrong! The next day he’s under there again, this time going underneath the screening. Argh! I call, he ignores. I entreat, he is deaf. I go back into the house and he’s moved up next to the screening where he got in the first time. I pull it loose and he comes out. This time I prop something in front of the weak spot. That’ll fix him. Right?
Wrong again! Round three the next day. This time after he’s back where he belongs, which I think you know isn’t under the shed, I drive some stakes in to keep him from moving the item I had propped up.
24 hours pass and no escape. Yay! I was about ready to ship him to Maryland with hubby. Well, I should have. Almost dark and he’s missing. I can’t see any signs of how he got out but he’s missing again and NOT under the shed. I call, I offer treats, and I offer the biggie – dinner! I finally see him in a neighboring yard and the thoughts of dinner lured him home.
Now that hubby is back home (YAY), he discovered Cooper was pushing his way past a big deck box in front of the shed and squeaking out into the front yard. Time to do what we’ve talked about for over a year – move the fence line forward to the front of our garage leaving the shed well inside the fencing. Ahhh, home and pet ownership – always fun.
Think any of this bothered Cooper? Here’s how he was sleeping recently…looks broken, doesn’t he! Nah, just relaxed…LOL!

Stu made it home Friday night, much to my relief. Two days early! Of course the rain arrived at the same time but we haven’t had any in a while and the pond level has been sinking. Hopefully when it passes this week, Stu can get in the last mowing until next spring. Hopefully!
I normally don’t decorate for Halloween but made an exception this year after a quick trip to the local Dollar Store where I splurged – $2 decor!
Cute, right? Well, Cooper didn’t think so…this is what he saw and barked at to protect me.
And it was all fun and games until I pinched my finger…
Now it’s on to another fun filled week…how’re you doing?