At least it’s not snowing, but hey. It’s 2020, so who knows? We woke to frost on Saturday morning and a skim of ice on the dog water bowl. Yes, I wanted fall. But no, I’m not ready for winter! Looking at the weather forecast, we’ll be a little warmer this week. I need to get out and do some walking with Stu and the #2doods. How about you? Are you ready for winter, enjoying fall, or still in summer weather?
We spent last week going through all our clothes – house clothes, RV clothes, cruise clothes, too big clothes, too small clothes, don’t like clothes, should just get rid of for whatever reason clothes. The local thrift shop that supports the battered women shelter we have donated to in the past was the happy recipient of 14 bags of “stuff” (not just clothes) that we cleaned out. Phew!
Stu spent the weekend working on those gazillion household chores that never go away plus the ones that come with getting ready for winter. He got new mulching blades for the zero-turn and did the final mowing. That means the lawnmower, lawn tractor, and zero-turn all need to be winterized. The RV (KaZy) never came out of winterization so it’s good but the Freightliner (Freddie) will get an oil change and diesel fuel stabilizer added for the winter. Then he still will have to get the tires rotated on both the pickup (Scooby) and the Jeep (Jeremiah).
He changed all the batteries in the smoke alarms after the second early morning chirping on Monday as well as all the batteries in our security system sensors. I know there is more he has done and will do…never-ending chores. I can’t tell him how much I appreciate him!
I’m staying on top of daily emails, blog posts, social media, book promotions, etc. and am just now getting back into writing. I really hope to finish Paradise Dawn, the prequel to my C’Mon Inn mystery series, this month. But speaking of books – an article I wrote for my site at Medium was selected for inclusion in an anthology and I got notification it is now out. I hope some of you will buy and enjoy this collection of stories from “those of us of a certain age”. It’s available in print or digital format at Amazon.
Oh, the #2doods? They are enjoying the cooler, sunny weather so this is how they are spending their off time. LOL!

We have a thrift store here that also supports a womans shelter. And we, like you and Stu, are doing those chores that need doing before winter sets in. Big one was getting the shop cleaned and organized. One month a year we can take items to the land fill without charge. October is the month. We have a full truck bed.
It’s truly never ending…of course having three lawn implements, one motorcycle, two trucks, one car, and the RV….LOL!