Can you believe it? 10 more days and it will be Christmas Eve. We’re going to be busy this week.It’s Stu’s birthday week, so we’ve decided to be brave. After my doctor appointment in Knoxville on Tuesday we will head on over to Pigeon Forge for a two-day fun trip to Dollywood. They are limited attendees, even with our season pass we had to enter reservations for both days. They also have limited hours, not opening until 2pm. I like that. I get to sleep in!
I’m actually writing this blog post using dictation. It’s different. I know I’ll have to make corrections when I paste it into my WordPress blog, but that’s okay. I’m trying to get comfortable with dictating instead of typing. It’s supposed to be a lot faster but I’m finding I tend to stumble over words and how to put things together in a sentence. The good news is I’m not finding a lot of typos. That bodes well for when I attempt to write my books using dictation. It did freeze once and I lost two sentences but I plan to do this more on my Sony recorder rather than directly on my computer as I’m doing now. We’ll see how it goes it’s. It’s a matter of training your brain, or so I’ve been told.
Time to share a few photos showing what we’ve been up to this week. First, I did add a few more Christmas decorations in addition to the pillows on the sofa and the wreath on the front door.
I’ve also snapped a few sunset and winter sky photos…
The #2doods are loving the temps, they’ve been running in to 40s-50s most days with several bright and sunny ones. Murphy enjoys laying in by the front door, soaking up the warmth.
Cooper? Well, he’s just Cooper. Be sure to turn up the volume on this little video I made this week. Sigh…LOL!