Time flies, whether you’re having fun or not! Last Monday, after our blog posted, we woke to the most snow we’ve had this season. We ended up at around 3″ – so pretty!
On Friday we got another snowfall, very light powdery, and maybe two inches. Stu likes to keep the deck clear for the dogs so they don’t slip when it turns icy. With it being so light, he went full redneck and used his leaf blower to clear their path. LOL!
Other than that, it’s been life as usual. Stu did a Walmart grocery pickup and I was surprised at the number of items that weren’t in stock. Thinking Tue/Wed are better pickup days than Thu/Fri (we never do it on the weekend and know they are busy restocking on Mon). Will try to remember that!
As for me, I finally finished the prequel to my upcoming Red Line Coffee Mystery series, Roasts & Rumors. You can get a copy on Amazon for only $0.99 and I hope you enjoy it enough to post a review. I will be getting back to writing the first book in the series, Ventis & Victims, as soon as I get my new computer setup.
Yes, I splurged and bought a new Mac Mini M1, with a TB of disk space and 16GB of memory. I also bought some LED stick-on light strips to hopefully shed more light on my desk. That meant tearing down my desktop so Stu could install those. I will add accessories back as they are needed for the Mac Mini. It has more ports for plugging in accessories, resulting in fewer cables and a less snake-like atmosphere behind the monitor.
On Saturday we got it set up. We did have to use Stu’s Mac Mini monitor, as mine just didn’t want to work. I’ve had issues with it before, probably due to the adapter that I had to use, so I guts-upped and ordered one like Stu’s. It will be here Tuesday, as well as the UPS I forgot to order, and another RAVPower SSD external/portable backup drive. I also set up the new compact size wired keyboard. It’s the size of a laptop keyboard so I shouldn’t have any trouble getting used to it. The old one was Stu’s previous one and is now a backup keyboard. It was so wide it was hard for me to use my mouse and I was always moving things around to type. I will miss the forward/delete key, and now have to go back to using the fn/delete combination for that. We really like the Macally keyboards since they are meant for use with Apple products.
Right now there are extra cables floating around – I will take another picture after the final setup on Tuesday. Here you can see how it looks now…Stu will be drilling a hole in the desk for my keyboard cable and the monitor cables will get wrapped. Plus, some things will go to the UPS to plug in, right now I’m thinking it will sit on the floor beside the desk. Believe it or not, it looks MUCH better, and the combination of installing the LED strip lights and moving my desk lamp to the left side is working out well. I liked the looks of the desk lamp on the right, with my other collectible stuff, but I was always writing in my own shadow. Should have moved it ages ago.
The #2doods don’t mind the snow…in fact, they love to shovel their faces through it. I think some of that comes from the rub down they get when they come in. They LOVE their rub downs, rain or snow!
And in closing, Murphy shows off his new favorite pose (although not for long periods like Cooper) and his ever-graying feet.

One thing at a time I guess. I am always rearranging my desk. Just got a new printer and moved it to a different location. why didn’t I think of that before!!
Gonna get that book