We ended up with over 6 1/2″ of wet heavy snow. The penalty we paid for the beauty was 11 1/2 hours without power! Not only were roads slick, snow-covered, and just generally treacherous, there were power lines and trees down everywhere. Our local electric co-op showed almost 15% of their customers were without power in our county alone (they cover several counties).
Inside the house got to 58 and after hearing the electric company post on Facebook that they did not know when we’d be back, Stu went ready the RV. He hadn’t been in there for ten minutes when the power came back on! Yay!
Here are some pretty photos we took this morning…
We both took naps – I’d only had 1 1/2 hour of sleep (I was glad I was up when the power went off so I could report it immediately).
On the COVID front, our county finally started a waiting list for us 70+ folks. We registered the first day, last Tuesday, but haven’t heard anything back about an appointment as yet. We’ll keep waiting. On a sad note, you may remember my son-in-law who passed from a terminal brain tumor in June of 2019. We heard yesterday that his father passed from COVID. He leaves behind his wife, two children, and a bevy of grandchildren who will miss him very much.
On the writing front, I am almost finished with a short story prequel to my Klondike Mystery series titled Just a Stranger. It will be offered free to newsletter subscribers – new and existing, so maybe it’s time to sign up?