The snow…but not the cold! And not the freezing rain and ice! Isn’t this pretty? The first two were from Saturday and the second two are from Sunday. Hoping we haven’t lost power when we wake up Monday.
Here’s some photos taken on the two days after our snowfall. It always seems to melt with 1-2 days here, and we love that.
First day after snow…the temperature never got above freezing.
Second day but the temps were in the low 40s.
This arrived in our notifications on Saturday…yeah, not so nice. Stu already had to put ice melt on the back deck and steps for the #2doods and on the front stoop and sidewalk for us humans. First time in four years!
And this was our local weatherman’s warning on Facebook.
I took advantage of the cold, nasty weather to make a big pot of chili in the crockpot. It was delish!
We were supposed to get our COVID shots today but going down to Cookeville from the plateau would be very dicey so we opted to reschedule. Fortunately, there were plenty of openings to choose from.
Not much else is new – if you enjoy my books, be sure to read today’s blog post on my author website. Lots of news there this week.
The #2doods got a full grooming on Friday…on Saturday, they slept most of the day. That’s okay, less wet, muddy footprints all over my freshly waxed kitchen floor. LOL!