Last week flew by – and yes, last month flew by, too. I know, it was a short month, but it seemed even shorter this year. What? Last year was a leap year? Guess that explains it. {snort}
Let’s see if I can remember everything that happened. On Monday we went to Sam’s Club in neighboring Cookeville and got our first COVID vaccinations. The pharmacist was great, the shot didn’t hurt, and we were quickly on our way back home. Stu had planned to run to Lenoir City to pick up our new generator at Home Depot. That didn’t happen, it was the cover that was delivered on Monday. The generator would be in later in the week.
Tuesday Stu took the Jeep to our local repair shop to get a rear-end leak fixed. They needed to order a part, so loaned him a car until the Jeep was ready to pick up. (Great folks, great service, reasonable prices at J&R Automotive).
Neither of us had much reaction to our shots, a little soreness for us both. I had minor swelling (24 hours max), a couple hours of light itching, and a little achiness that Tylenol took care of. That was it…
Wednesday we got the email that the generator was in. We ordered a DuroMax 13000/10500-Watt Push Start Heavy-Duty Dual Fuel generator. You can see all the specs HERE. We also had to order the interlock kit, a 50 amp generator power inlet box, and a 50 amp cable to connect the generator to the power inlet.
Our car wouldn’t be ready until late, so Stu postponed the pickup until Thursday and headed off to Lenoir City. He came home with a BIG HEAVY box. It’s good to have neighbors that can help.
Thursday was a visit to the dentist for a repair – an old filling came out. He goes back on Monday to get it capped. Gulp, between the car & dentist – $$$. All unexpected. Maybe we should have waited to get the generator? Nope, having it means the power will never go out again. Right?
Most every spare minute in the week was spent, by Stu, getting the electrical panel set up and ready for the generator. He had to install the interlock kit that only allows either the power main or the generator to be live, never both. He also had to move some of the switches to the top for the generator, and then change some spares at the bottom to our RV outlet. (I’m sure I’ve messed this up, but Stu can comment if I did…LOL). Here are the extras we had to order, other than the generator and cover for it (although it is stored in our garage when not in use).
- SIE-P2 Murray or Siemens Generator Interlock Kit 150 amp or 200 amp Panels
- Rophor 50 Amp Generator Power Inlet Box, NEMA SS2-50P Power Inlet Box for 3 Prong Generator Cord, 125/250 Volt, 12500 Watts, Weatherproof
- 50 amp RV Generator Extension Cord
Here’s a couple of photos…
Our local attorney friend recommended an electrician for us and he made it out on Saturday to look at the setup and to get the information he needed to give us a quote on getting power to the pole barn. Nice guy (thank you to Leslie Ledbetter for connecting us). Stu asked him about the final hookup for the generator and the guy assured Stu he wasn’t needed, Stu could easily do it. So later in the day, he hooked it up. It’s all ready for a final test. Our new electrician friend will get the state inspection we need done, too.
Thursday night, late, I got a call from my youngest brother. Our other brother was in a motorcycle accident and he was in ICU in stable but critical condition with several broken ribs and a punctured lung. Today I heard he had two brain bleeds, now under control, they were taking out the chest drain and getting him up and around. He still has a bit of a recovery ahead of him but looks like he’ll come out okay. He was wearing a helmet, he probably wouldn’t have made it without it.
In other fun news, I got this perfect door hanger for our office…. I love it!
And Stu saw this hat on Outlander and loved it, so I had to find him one… He loves it!