It’s all about Stu…and the motorcycle.
He had a great trip to Florida where he got to meet up with a lot of our family, friends, and former co-workers (who are also friends). He did hit a little rain on the way down…
But for the most part, the weather was good. Hot once he got to southern Georgia and then back to much cooler temps on the way home. The trip had been tentatively planned for over a year and the main purpose was to deliver a house-warming gift to our step-daughter Kim and her husband Tim. When they bought their new home, Kim had shared a poem she loved. We got it put into a poster and Stu made a frame using old wood from our horse barn.
He had a great time and really enjoyed visiting everyone.

But he admits, long-distance motorcycle riding took a toll. This was taken less than two hours after he got home. He was watching a NASCAR race that had been recorded…
Meanwhile, back home not much was new. A little rain, a lot of sun, beautiful temperatures that kept the #2Doods and Donna enjoying the outdoors (and watching the birds at the feeder).
We have cardinals, sparrows, finches, chickadees, and morning doves visiting us. If you look real close, you can see one of the male cardinals at our temporary feeder.
And yes, the hummingbirds are starting to visit so those feeders are going up today!

We saw two hummers last week at the feeder. They must have found better pickings elsewhere as we haven’t seen them again.
I think they are a little late this year…