The biggest thing we got done this week was to hang our new bird feeders. And oh my, the birds are loving it. So far we’ve seen sparrows, chickadees, cardinals, house finches, goldfinches, tufted titmouse, mourning doves, and the latest was a blue grosbeak! We have separation from the hummingbird feeders and they are back, too. We also have barn swallows but they don’t come to the feeders.
No actual bird photos yet, they’re still pretty shy, but here are our feeders…
The #2doods loved the nice weather – back door open, laying in the yard. The end of the week it turned cold but we know the warmer weather will return soon.
There won’t be a blog post next week…we have three grandgirls coming to visit for nine days and our schedule is full. We will do local “stuff”, some fishing in the pond, watching movies, playing board games through Saturday. Then on Sunday, we leave EARLY for Pigeon Forge and Dollywood. Monday will be an “around town” day, then back to Dollywood on Tuesday. Wednesday we drive back home and Thursday they all fly back to Maryland.
Busy, busy, busy. An “almost” 7, an “almost” 13, and a 15. Phew! I’m tired just thinking about it…LOL!