Stu has been busy these last couple weeks (with no help from me). First was getting his compressor shed added on to his pole barn. You can read more about that and see the photos in his blog, Backend of Nowhere Garage. Second was replacing some rotten/rotting boards in our deck. We’d love to completely redo it, but even before the lumber prices went out of sight, it just wasn’t in the budget.
He decided to add more boards…
He did flip one board (see how green it is) in addition to replacing the other bords. The next step will be to coat it with Rust-Oleum RockSolid Tintable Resurfacer 6x, probably after the wiring is done in the pole barn (HOPEFULLY, July) and the budget can settle a bit. We figure nine gallons are needed!
Oh, wondering why the boards were so rotted? Take a look at the nails that were used…
The #2doods approve…
The next project was installing a water spigot on the deck. We wanted an easy way to hook up our small pressure washer to keep things clean. We love watching the birds, but oh my! The mess they leave. And then there is always the spring pollen. It was fairly easy to do since he could tap off the kitchen plumbing on that wall.
AND, the #2doods – we will have a way to bathe them on the deck and with the gate to the back yard closed, they can stay there till they dry. We’ve tried washing them in our shower…big struggle. This should be a HUGE help in between groomings.
My fun has been putting new stickers on my laptop…
And drinking lots of iced coffee as I get back to writing (you can follow my progress and maybe even read some excerpts from my current WIP (work in progress) on my author blog.

Oh, my goodness! Pure crapiola nails!! Looks like all is moving along well.