Another month is almost gone and I find it harder and harder to take time to blog here. No one comments so I wonder if anyone is reading. Please drop a comment if you want the blog to continue and maybe even go back to weekly posts.
It’s been a fairly quiet month. A few chores here and there, a second trip to Dollywood sans grandgirls thus giving Stu time to ride all the rides, lots of bird watching (and grainy pictures taken), and some prep for the electrical work in the pole barn.
90% of the photos we took were of the birds on the feeders, most taken through our kitchen window after we moved the feeders. The hummingbirds are only a few this year as they were last year. I suspect the lack of flowering things in the backyard is part of the reason but have also read this is when they are busy nesting. We do enjoy seeing the few we do have. If interested, you can see all the ones we’ve taken this year in this SmugMug album, Bird Feeder Fun.
Oh, and I did take a couple of interesting sky shots – before the storm, after the storm, and sunset clouds.
All in all, our health is good, the #2doods are fine, life is good.

Many of the blogs I visit (and I visit almost none regularly) see very few comments. I guess people are saving all their words for Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. I don’t know.
Beautiful photographs! Nothing like a pre- and post-storm sky.
Hi Kern! I think you might be right about other social media drawing comments away. So much easier to just click like on FB, IG, etc. Hope you’re doing okay – always nice to see an A to Z friend pop up!
I always look at your posts. I am only connect with people through my blog. I have a FB account but don’t use it because it get hacked so easily. I always enjoy your posts. I’m sorry I don’t comment much. 😀
Hi Cee, thanks for continuing to stop by to read. You reminded me I need to take more time with my camera and less with my iPhone. LOL!
I read several blogs. This is the only one I have ever commented on. So much for my winning streak of introversion. Keep up the awesome bloging.
Wow, and a HUGE thank you for commenting now! {insert smiley face}