I hope everyone is doing okay – it’s been a strange time in our household. Lots of ups and downs.
Stu saw his surgeon last week and all was good. He’s still restricted from lifting more than 15# until the end of the first week in December. I’ve been helping wherever I can. Since he can’t do much work, he’s having a ball watching all the Black Friday deals at Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Harbor Freight. He scored a $200 3/4 hp garage door opener for $79 at Home Depot. Ours is 15 or so years old and causing some problems, so a good buy.
On Monday, I saw my primary care physician and we discussed my osteoporosis diagnosis. She prescribed Boniva (generic version), taken once a month. If it starts to upset my stomach too much, we may go to a yearly infusion but have to do the oral route first before insurance will cover it. I’m also increasing my vitamin D intake from the 1000 IU in my multi-vitamin to 2000 IU. She doesn’t recommend adding a calcium supplement and explained her reasoning why – I have no problem with that. She also recommended getting a fishing vest and using the pockets for weights as I walk. Easier on my shoulders, wrists, &/or ankles (most recommend the wrap-around weights). I need to get more walking under my belt before I try that. We hope to get a folding treadmill before the end of December, perfect for the not-so-good-for-walking weather.
We got our Moderna booster shots on Wednesday and the weather was gorgeous. Since I take a Benadryl & a Tylenol just after vaccines (recommendation from my physician), I ended up dozing in the car while Stu browsed through Lowe’s and Harbor Freight. Then I came home, crawled into bed, and slept another two hours! Other than a little fatigue on my part, neither of us had any reaction.
In other news, my son has COVID and is hoping for a mild case. I lost a good friend to a four-year battle with cancer. My younger cousin suffered a stroke and is now dealing with the onset of dementia. Yup, sometimes life can suck big time!
Needless to say, no writing was done this week. Nothing planned next week except a quiet Thanksgiving day, so hoping some words will find their way onto the page. Wish me luck!
Here are some shots taken in the last couple of weeks…enjoy!
We had one really nice day and I managed to catch a good pic of the #2doods…
And here’s a short video of Stu and the #2doods going for a walk (without me…lol). We are trying to walk any day the weather is good, this day I wasn’t quite up to it.