We’ve been watching the price on this treadmill since before the Black Friday sales. The price dropped for Black Friday but went up immediately afterward. I left it in our Amazon cart and just kept an eye on it. Well, on Wednesday, the price dropped lower than the Black Friday lowest price so we pulled the trigger!
It arrived this week, now we have no excuse to not exercise daily. Okay, five times a week. LOL!

Trying out for the first time
We’ve had some severe weather but mostly thunderstorms with a lot of rain and a lot of wind. This poor little female cardinal couldn’t keep her tail straight. LOL!
I did finish my holiday cozy mystery short story, AN ELF-ING MESS, and it’s now available on Amazon (will be available in other outlets later this week). It’s only 99¢ and a great short read for most everyone. I hope you will grab a copy (or two, makes a great little stocking stuffer gift)!
What is a girl who hates Christmas doing driving to the most holiday-themed town in the state?
Snowflake Falls was located in the coldest, most northern part of the state. Even in the middle of summer, it was rarely warmer than 70 degrees. But when her elderly aunt calls asking for help to run her shop Jolly Goods, Autumn Winter knew she needed to go.

I’d like to know what brand and model the treadmill is. I’ve been wanting a treadmill forever, but the reviews are always so mixed and the prices are all over the place! Way too many fancy options I don’t really need, I just want to know speed, calories burned, distance, maybe heart rate. It would be cool if there was a VR headset that can show a running trail in the woods that you could link to it tho! LOL
I spent a ton of time reading reviews and comparisons. It was either this model of the TR200 at Walmart (almost no differences). This has the calories, speed, distance, heart rate but no hookup for VR. LOL! We’re using our iPads and YouTube walking videos (there are a ton them for free). You can see the treadmill here, the price has been up and down, that’s why we kept it in the cart. https://amzn.to/3EinQyk
Thanks for the link. I’m concerned about the longevity since a lot of the comments mention it having issues fairly quickly.
Since we are only using it for walking, not jogging (thus slower speeds and less pounding), I figured we’d be okay for a couple of years.