Phew – time flies when you’re having fun (and even when you aren’t). Today is our 13th anniversary. I thought it was our 12th but Stu corrected me (kudos to him). Not doing anything special, chilly/rainy day. He’s running errands and I’m doing a ton of computer stuff (and laundry, always laundry).
The weather has been strange and we’re not even two weeks into April. Spring warmth, winter’s back with cold and snow, more spring, another touch of winter, then it’s spring again. May will be better, right?
Stu has been busy working on setting up the inside of the pole barn now that we have a bid and commitment for the concrete (update here). He’s been hanging cabinets, installing foam board, and setting up the air cables for – wait, what was it for? LOL! Then toss in weekly mowing, spring mulching (while the mulch is on sale) and he sleeps well (at least in front of the TV).
I’ve been doing a ton of computer clean-up, packing up and putting away all our cruise stuff, (bonus for Stu – he installed a light in the guest closet so I could reorganize), laundry (always laundry), selling stuff on ebay and the Facebook Marketplace (and then packaging & shipping the items), getting in a little writing, committing to TWO new short reads for anthologies/series (see my author blog for more details).
The #2doods? Still the same – goofy, funny, loving. They will both be five this year. Hard to believe. Here they are, sitting pretty and waiting for their monthly flea, tick, heartworm meds.
And here they are waiting for the OK to lick the bowls.
We’ve been having fun watching the birds out our kitchen window. We keep my old iPhone 8 there so we can zoom in and snap pics. Not the best quality but they’ll do…

The 2Doods are soooo patient! ;->
Virtual hugs,