Just a little of this and a little of that…
We’ve been busy doing adulting stuff…not always fun, but satisfying when completed. Stu has been busting butt working in the yard, mulching the trees and flower beds as well as keeping up with the weekly mowing (weekly thanks to all the rain we’ve had this year).
We’ve also been thinning out things both for sale and donation. We have a large tote and two large trash bags (full of clothing I cleaned out) going to our favorite thrift shop that supports the local battered women shelter. In addition, we’ve managed to sell (via Facebook Marketplace): two Coolaroo shades (barely used, we replace them with a darker color), 2 folding bicycles from our RVing days, our propane fire pit that we never used, a pair of brand new boots I bought and never wore, and two folding gravity lounge chairs. As we continue to clean out the RV, there will be more to sell or donate, I’m sure.
The proceeds of the sales are going into our Scotland fund. I’m not sure if we mentioned it, but we booked a transatlantic cruise from London (Southhampton) in October 2023. We will have stops in Portugal, Spain, the Canary Islands, and Grand Turk during the 18 day voyage. Rather than fly into London, we plan to fly into Edinburgh and spend 5-7 days touring. We have a great 5 day tour picked out but haven’t booked anything yet. This will be our last BIG grand adventure and we’re both excited about it.
The #2doods are fine, both turn five this year. Hard to believe…I recently was looking through some of their old photos and forget how small they were once upon a time. LOL!
Still busy trying to find time to write – two things I really would like to get done before the end of May. Keep my fingers crossed. Of course, I ended up down another rabbit hole. TikTok! I just posted in my author blog about it. Eeeep! And yes, you can watch my videos without having an account, but in order to LIKE or COMMENT, you need to create one (but you never need to ever post your own video).
Not much else is new – some medical appointments, waiting for grandson Salem Archer Ripley to appear (then Stu will make a quick trip to Maryland to visit), and in July it will be great-grandson (no names yet). The count keeps increasing and that’s okay!
Watch for my next newsletter on May 1st, nice bird photo taken from our kitchen window in it. Till next time…