Last post welcomed May and now it’s almost time to say goodbye! Where did the time go? A short recap of the last couple of weeks….
Stu had a great time with family, especially the new grandson, while in Maryland. He also got to see a few friends and catch up on their doings. He had some motorcycle trouble on the last day and it looks like the water pump needs to be replaced. The good news is it’s something he can do. The bad news is it’s an over $300 part replacement. Sigh… He made it home on the 10th, just in time for his annual dermatology appointment on the 11th. He got an excellent report, no issues. (Mine is the end of the month.)
The following week I had an appointment about a shoulder issue I’d been having. Sometime in March (no, I didn’t make a note…lol), I had a big pop/snap in my left shoulder. Since then, it’s been happening sporadically off and on. Ice, Aleve, sleeping in the recliner – doing all the recommended stuff but wasn’t going away. After some discussion, I was scheduled for an MRI since the orthopedist suspected a bicep tear.
Two weeks and a ton of frustration later, the MRI was done and my follow-up to get the results was yesterday. It seems I do have a partial bicep tendon tear as well as a small rotator cuff tear. I’m now scheduled for out-patient surgery on June 22nd. I will be wearing a sling for 2-4 weeks, leaving me one-handed most of the time. (And yes, this all tracks back to my hard fall last June, landing with my left arm outstretched.)
So I’m trying to catch up on everything I can, especially computer-wise. One handed typing will be rough although I do use my Apple Pencil one-handed on my iPad. That’s just not the most productive method for me and produces a ton of typos. Four newsletters to prep, 2 months of scheduled posts to my Facebook reader group (The Hoot Troop) as well as 2 months of scheduled posts to my author pages on Instagram and Facebook. Phew! that said, I will attempt to use dictation for short blog posts updates after the surgery.
I’m having a hard time thinking about a month of need assistance to dress, unable to cook, do laundry, or much of anything else. As Stu knows, I tend to be pretty independent. I’m pre-apologizing to him if I get snippy/snarky/short with him.
In other news, we still hope to get the concrete poured in the pole barn during June. Last thing we heard was the week of June 6th. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Writing? I’ve made a little progress on a future story (I’m doing book three in a four book series all set in the same town with the same recurring characters – it’s going to be great. Watch for updates this fall.) I think I am going to back out of the other anthology due to the timing and my surgery. That will let me get back to Ventis & Victims and I just might, just maybe, just possibly, get the first draft done before my surgery.
The final note – what do you do when you have writer’s block? You create something else – like a new website. Yeah, I know. But this one was fun and easy. It’s called Snap Memories and I feature a daily photo that I’ve taken in the last twenty or so years. They’re not award winning, just some of my favorites. I hope you will stop by, take a look around, and maybe even click the FOLLOW BY EMAIL button!
Pictures? Not much of interest – my leggings, my coffee cups, the silly doods, the weather, the clouds… You can see our month so far in our SmugMug album. The mundane life of the McNicols… LOL!
…and don’t forget to check out my TikTok account – I’m having fun over there!!