A very happy person – one more trip around the sun, soon to be completed!
And, I’ve decided to celebrate all month long!
I’ve been the oldest in my family for several years now. Three-quarters of a century – that amazes me.It’s a strange feeling. Do I feel it? Not really, at least not in my head. My body argues with me most days, but that’s okay. Getting old may not be for sissies but it’s better than the alternative.
To celebrate, on my actual birthday, we plan to go see a movie and then dinner at our local Olive Garden where I will feast on their delicious salad, never-ending breadsticks, and lasagna. Yum! Needless to say, I won’t be on social media most of the day.
I’ve also done something I’ve never done before. I put together a 75th birthday wish list on Amazon. Isn’t that cheeky? It was fun finding silly little things that I like but wouldn’t buy for myself. A couple of online book fans have already purchased a couple of things – really caught me by surprise. I really appreciated the thoughts and enjoyed the items they picked out.
Here’s to a great month (and many years more) for all of us September birthday folks!

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