We had a great time on our cruise but it’s been uber-busy since we got home late Sunday. While we were on the cruise, we found out one of our three European cruises was cancelled. The big one, the transatlantic on the brand new Jubilee. After much scrambling, Stu found an option for us so we could still do the full trip. We booked a balcony on the Holland America Oosterdam. Stu and his late wife cruised with HAL back a few years, but it’s a new cruise line for me. The good news is they are owned by Carnival so we can still get our stock ownership onboard credit. Yay!
I didn’t get off at any ports, Stu got off once (maybe twice). We’ve been to all these ports multiple times and I wanted, no, needed to write. I did finish the first draft of Ventis & Victims (yay) and I still hope to get it published by the end of December. Fingers crossed!
We made friends with the band, Alter Idem. Great folks, based in Argentina. I think we only missed one night’s performance. We hope to cruise with them again! I think we have more movies of them than we took otherwise.
This was a back-to-back cruise and while we were waiting to debark for immigration, we got to watch the holiday decorations go up. They were quick and professional. Here’s a couple of pics of the work in progress.
The best news is neither of us got sick! No colds, no flu, no COVID. Yay!
Well, cutting this short – will try again on Sunday with more photos. I need to go through them all, organize and delete the ridiculous. LOL!