The weather outside hasn’t been delightful, much more like frightful (I think there might be a song in there). Single digit temps are bad enough, but below zero isn’t the norm. It’s been the coldest weather since 2016 when we bought the house. Here’s some examples…
I slept in yesterday and at 10am, woke to this!
Our HVAC is a heat pump unit and it just can’t keep up, even on the emergency/auxiliary side running. Fortunately, we have three space heaters. One is in the kitchen with Stu (where he spends his time watching YouTube videos), one is in the office with me, and one in the living room. We have our guest room and second bathroom shut off and at night turn off the space heater in my office and close that door too. With below freezing temps on multiple, consecutive days, we have even left a faucet dripping slowly at night.
We did get a little snow but not as much as they predicted and that’s okay. This was Thursday night (taken out of our kitchen window) and by morning, that was about all we got.
The boys like to snuggle up in the office with me sometimes…and no, Murphy isn’t that much bigger than Cooper, it’s the camera angle. LOL!
We have about five more days of below freezing temps, then it is supposed to get more temperate, more like our normal winter temps. Time will tell – we leave for our next two weeks of cruising in mid January.
We will stay home until the weather clears, we have everything we need, the generator if the power goes out, and lots of food. Christmas day will be quiet, maybe a couple of Facetime calls, but that’s it. I hope your Christmas is wonderful.