No, we haven’t forgotten you. Time has just gotten away with us. After a quiet Christmas and a quieter New Year’s Eve, we are busy getting ready for our next cruise. We did take a day off and headed to the movies to see the new Avatar: The Way of Water and we both enjoyed it. While seeing the first movie would help with some of the story, most would still enjoy it without that.
The #2doods are still the #2doods, the birds are eating us out of house and home, and I’m on day 21 of my 100 day Wool& Challenge, only 79 more days to go! Decluttering and cleaning out clothes we don’t wear/that don’t fit/that we don’t like resulted five large bags for donation. Done & Done!
Here are a few pics I’ve snapped in the first week of this year…
And one last one, Herbie (our RoboVac), stuck under my office chair, patiently waiting for us to come free him. We’ve used him for almost a year and this is the first time he’s gotten stuck under either office chair.
We head to New Orleans next Friday for our cruise leaving on Sunday. We will check in as we can!