Murphy made it through his surgery and night away from home with flying colors. He came home with two prescription meds and the dosage requirements for Benadryl to help his itching. They sent him home in a cone so big he couldn’t even drink out of his water bowl. We switched him to his inflatable collar that keeps him from chewing and licking.
Stu cut the top off an old sock and bandaged it to his right hind foot using Bitter No Chew tape. Keeping our fingers crossed this does the trick for now. We also ordered PawFlex MediMitt Disposable Dog Bandages from Chewy but not sure when they will get here. He’s sleeping peacefully in his crate right now.
He can get the stitches out on the 31st, a week after he gets his staples out. They want no bandages on the suture area, nothing to collect moisture, so no more colorful t-shirts. LOL!

Excellent news … 🙏🙏🙏🐾🐾🐾🤗🤗🤗