With the decent weather, daytime temps in the upper 50s to low 60s, Stu has been hard at work in the yard. He’s already purchased and set out a ton of bags of mulch and is trying to get a couple bags spread each day. The first was over the the pole barn, a well overgrown area that is now cleaned up (an every year must).
The next was dictated by the #2doods as they tore into the bags of mulch by the fence where they race up and down with the neighboring dogs. That’s now spread and the bags collected before Cooper decided to eat them. (He did present us with a dead baby bunny the other day. Sigh. I expect it froze, letting him grab it.)
A couple days ago we talked about the area by our deck where we have two azalea bushes. He spent two afternoons cleaning it up and set some walking stones to our crawl space door. It looks MUCH better. Once the smaller azalea has recovered, he plans to move it to the far end in the photo. Then he will divide and move some of the Hosta plants you can see on the other side of the fence, to where the small azalea was. They do very well in shade.
After Cooper’s last dig out under the fence, we have decided to put an electric wire around the perimeter. It’s not overly expensive but a lot of physical work since it will also mean moving the fence between the wood shed and the house up to the corner of the garage. We have talked about doing this for some time since we will need a way to let the dogs in and out when we eventually redo the deck. Stu had to replace another board that rotted and he’s also noticed underneath that things aren’t what they should be.
So next spring/summer we will budget to rebuild the outer part of the deck. The small section that is covered is different and in good shape (thank goodness).

Home ownership is a never ending list of, things to do, things to clean, and things to repair or replace!
It’s a good job Stu is a good handyman and can do a lot of those things himself.
He is fantastic and is a whiz at so many things!