When I started looking at the clothes we’d need for spending a week in Scotland in late October, I knew we both needed waterproof hiking boots. I researched, read, priced, researched some more and finally settled on these beautiful boots from Kodiak Original All Season Waterproof Ankle Boots I found on Amazon. The color was amazing!
As time passed, I realized they weren’t going to be comfortable for wearing on all day walks. Sigh… Fortunately, a good motorcycle-riding lady friend wanted to buy them and I was on the search again.
The next pair I tried were these – JBU by Jambu Women’s Della Ankle Boot from Amazon. Comfort galore and I loved the look.
I was so happy with these, even though I had to settle for brown instead of red. I loved that they were dressier than traditional hiking boots and could be worn most any time. The added bonus was once the laces were set, I could zip/unzip to put on and take off. Satisfied I had the best boots and ones that would work for cobblestones, walks in Scotland, and any weather. My downfall was reading the Facebook groups about Scotland and then chatting with our tour company. I took a second look at my boots. Um, they were water resistant, not water proof. Back to search again.
I started researching more traditional hiking boots. I didn’t want something too clunky looking but I now knew I needed something that would not only be comfortable walking on cobblestones in bad weather, but slip-resistant as well. They had to be waterproof and able to deal with all terrain.
Thank goodness for Amazon’s “Try before you buy”. I thought I had found what I was looking for but was unsure of the size. From the reviews, I knew they ran a bit small, so I ordered an 8M, and 8W, and an 8.5M. A bonus, they were available in a reddish color!
I’m on day two of wearing the 8.5M Columbia Newton Ridge Lightweight Waterproof Shoe Hiking Boot with light wool ankle socks under heavier wool crew socks. I even did fifteen minutes on the treadmill with them yesterday and will do the same today. They are 95% there, with a little break-in needed around the right ankle (my ankles pronate inward so that is always a possible issue). I have four more days to decide if I will keep these. The size 8s are definitely going back.
Stu was easy….first try, High Sierra Stampede Hiking Boots. He’s already broken them and and they will work well for him. They are no longer available, but this is a close match.

I’ve always loved my Oboz. They are waterproof and the only ones that I felt comfortable in. Try REI for clothes and things to take. I always take the convertible zip off pants.
I used to wear the convertible pants when motorcycling, now I never wear shorts, No one wants to see these legs. LOL! I tend to use Amazon for the free returns and especially the try-before-you-buy feature. But thanks, nice to see you drop by!