As I mentioned in our last blog, I attended the Writer’s Police Academy conference in Green Bay, WI last week. Two days of driving north – all went well. Four days of conference – amazing! Two days of driving home – well, not so great. Terrible winds, torrential rain on the first day exhausted me. But again, the conference was amazing. Be sure to watch my author blog for several posts over the next week. (Better yet, sign up to follow that blog!)
We have good friends in Kentucky who are also writers and adopted a “dumped” puppy we rescued a few years back. We stay in touch via Facebook and when one of them advertised a HUGE fan for sale, one that would be amazing for Stu’s new hobby barn, I looked at the map and told him I could stop by on my way home. That was day two of driving home.
The weather was great but the fan wouldn’t fit in the back of our Jeep Patriot, no matter how hard we tried. We needed one more inch of opening. It just wasn’t happening. We decided Stu would come back in the pickup to get the fan.
We originally planned on driving up today, but we couldn’t board the dogs on Thursday, so we went yesterday. It was a LONG driving day – eight hours total – but well worth it for the booty Stu scored for the barn. Here are a few pics while the stuff was in the pickup. Today he is cleaning it all up and finding new ‘homes’ to store everything.
He ended up with two fans – a 42″ barrel fan which will more than adequately cool the pole barn as well as a five-foot stand fan. Then there was the grinder, a big metal organization unit full of miscellaneous nuts/bots, etc, several different tools, and four big plastic pallets. He was one happy camper and our friend was glad to get stuff out of his garage in preparation for a possible move.
In other news, I am setting my alarm to 7am daily and we are attempting to walk for 30 minutes most days. This was our view on Tuesday…
If you look carefully at the bottom left photo, you can see another calf’s legs by his momma. The calf on the right is just starting to sport his longhorns. They aren’t in this pasture every day, so we were ticked to grab these photos.