Just a quick note to let you all know w’re alive and kicking. We had an eventless drive to Florida with good weather until we were about 20 minutes from my brother’s home – the sky let loose and it rained off and on while we were there.
The next event was my spraining my sacroiliac ligament when I attempted to pick up something heavier than I anticipated – the night before the cruise! So I ended up using my cane/walking stick and got wheelchair transport onto the ship. Aleve and three day of icing it and for the most part it’s 90-95% healed.
The next defugalty was our soda. We always carry on two 12-packs of Diet Coke. They are on top of one of our carry on suitcases. Well, the smaller suitcases tend to tip over easily and it did. BAM! We didn’t think much of it until it came time to unpack. Four cans had split and soaked down onto and into the suitcase. Sigh…lots of shower washing was done. No permanent damage but not fun!
The next morning I attempted to load my daughter’s website (fromthesaucer.com) and it was a no go. I can’t load it and I can’t upload to it. All my other sites work just fine. I’ve spent several mornings trying to find a work around, thus no writing. The afternoons have been spent reading – finally! The evenings have been spent enjoying the music on the ship.
The rest of the cruise has been good – more later! Oh, and yes, I’ve worn at least one wool item every day since we left Tennessee.