We’ve had this blog for quite a few years now. I started it in 2006 as a widow. In 2008, we met and eventually merged our two old blogs into this one. The blogs were started for family but has always been read more by friends. Over the years, readership has declined and that’s okay. We understand, life gets busy, interests change, we’re no longer RVing, etc, etc, etc. We also moved from Blogger to WordPress in 2019. Where we used to get 2500 to over 10k views a month, we now are lucky to get 1000 a month.
So, before I spend days (and yes, it will take days) to chronicle our European vacation (and three cruises), I’d like to be sure you are interested. Please vote in the poll below. It will close at midnight on Jan 7th. The results will determine how much time I will spend during our three weeks of cruising writing blog posts about our vacation.
Thank you so much for letting me know you are reading and what you want to see.
[yop_poll id=”1″]

Love reading about your adventures. We “met” on an Airstream group, we were full time in our Safari at the time. We decided to sell her and settle in a sticks and bricks but the travel bug didn’t take long to come back. Maybe your blogs helped 🤣.
I remember my confusion with a couple of your posts since I already had a motorcycle lady friend with the same name. LOL! You settled in Florida, I think. I’m glad you stuck around and still read.
Love to read about your adventures.
Thanks, Lynn. It’s always nice to know someone is reading and enjoying!