It’s been a busy month, thank goodness I have some photos to prompt me in what we did and what happened. So here’s a little recap for you…
I enjoyed coffee in my Highland Hairy Coo mug we got in Scotland. It holds a LOT of liquid.
Around the beginning of December, we kept talking about how much we missed our cappuccino that we drank daily once we arrived in Europe and until we got home. Amazon to the rescue! We got a Keurig Barista model that came with a frother and now we are enjoying our cappuccino daily.

Now we are preparing to be gone all of January, heading to Florida to see family before three weeks of cruising. We’re doing the southern and eastern Caribbean this time, all the ports are different. I will be finishing up the first draft of the next book in my Harpertown Holiday Cozy Mystery short reads, A DEADLY HEART, as well as starting some blog posts covering our European vacation. It will take even longer than anticipated as WordPress (my blog platform) has made it much harder for me to do photos quickly. Argh! And thank you to everyone who has voted in my poll about when/how to document our vacation. Haven’t voted? CLICK HERE