New year’s resolutions? Bah, humbug? No, seriously. Do you make them? Break them? But I’m going to try. No, really. I am. I am resolving to finish one of two current series. I’d love it if you’d tell me which one you would like to see published in 2024.
- Red Line Coffee Shop Cozy Mysteries:
* Grandes & Grenades
* Talls & Tasers - Snowflake Falls Cozy Mysteries:
So if you would, click the links and take a peek at the series (I’m hoping you’ve already bought and read the available books, but if not, you can learn more on my website by clicking the links). Then please give me your vote (poll below – results shown at poll end 1/13/24) for my 2024 book TBW (To Be Written) list.
A little further help: the Red Line Coffee Shop series is still a clean mystery but more cozy-adjacent than traditional cozies. The Snowflake falls books are written in first person (new for me), are short stories, and definitely cozy.
[yop_poll id=”2″]

If you have Anonymous votes, one of them is me. WordPress won’t allow me to login.
Anonymous is fine. My daughter had to clear her browser cache in order to vote. Sometimes WordPress is SOOOO finicky! Thanks for voting…