I use WordPress for my blogs and in the past some have mentioned they can’t see the LIKE button at the bottom of our posts. I can see it on my MacBook, iPad, and iPhone so I suspect it’s a PC glitch that I have no way to address. Sorry, but you can comment and that is always appreciated.
The other glitch has to do with photos. It used to be simple to link to the photos in our SmugMug albums. With the latest version of WordPress, I can no longer to that. At least not easily. WordPress often does updates to “improve” functionality. The last update made it impossible for me to insert photos from our SmugMug album (in a manner that is usable for me) unless I write the raw HTML code. I can do that, but it takes a LOT of time.
So what is the glitch? Odd blank lines after photos creating extra white space. Why? I found a plugin (addon) that works for me to easily embed photos, but for some reason the posts end up with extra blank lines after the photos. I tried to make some adjustments in the last post I wrote and it ended up with more lines that I can’t remove.
So please, be patient. My hope is that glitch will eventually go away, but in the meantime, if you are viewing on a phone or small tablet, keep scrolling – don’t think the post is over because there is a big white space. The post is at the end when you see our photo and “Ciao for now!”.

The issue with extra space after your pix is the CSS used by the theme you are using. There’s a way to fix that with the ‘additional CSS’ in the theme options.
As for inserting pictures – that’s just the ‘add media’ button (in ‘Classic’ mode, which I use because I am an ancient person…). Similar in the block editor. Just use it to get to the Media page, then use the Upload button. Drag files from your local file manager into the box, wait for the upload, then insert.
It used to be that easy, but to save server space (I host my own domains), I usually link to our photos in our SmugMug album. I would just click ADD FROM URL, click center, and resize if necessary. Now if I use this, I can’t resize, I can’t center, and if I use the SmugMug block, I can’t even preview it. I am now using the EmbedPress plugin and that is where the space issue is. I tried using CSS but that didn’t change anything. This only happened after the last WP update. I may play with other themes when I get home on the desktop to see if I can go back to something more like I used to use (and yes, I use Classic because I’m from the HTML world back in the 90s). LOL! It’s a bit aggravating, but compared to life, it’s minor.