It’s always interesting to see the difference between the passengers from week one to week two. There were around 200 back-2-back passengers, next week (our week 3) should be a smaller group according to guest services.
We have been up till around one a.m. the last two nights – great entertainment both nights. We have more tonight and most nights till we start it all over again. Saturday night we went to ChiBang for dinner again and asked for the same wait staff. They are a hoot and we often see them in the lido area during lunch.
We then went to the center stage area for the opening night entertainment. We are eating earlier so we can catch the shows we like (second time around) or missed. The show featured bits from all the entertainers on the show. Last week, we came out of ChiBang in time for the final song (which introduced us to the Jazz Trio and brass horn players). It turned out to be an amazing show and we were fortunate to get seats up front. Fantastic talent, we loved it. After that we went to one of the comedy shows featuring Just June doing her Moms Mabley skit. Wow! She was a hoot!
Sunday was formal dinner and Stu wore his kilt. Our friend Chris Williams, the Flying Scotsman, was the new cruise director (CD) and we had seen him briefly the night before. This time we chatted about his family (we love his sister, Amanda, who is also a Carnival entertainer) and his new CD duties.
The show was one we had seen before but we don’t remember some of it. It mixed the Celestial Strings violinists with the production (main theater) performers. What can we say but WOW! Amazing performance by everyone. You can see photos and short videos in our SmugMug album.
When that was over, we caught the last set of the Jazz Trio in the Brass Magnolia lounge. We never tire of listening to them. They all got a “grandma” hug before we left. On the way out, Paul was playing “Springsteen” by Eric Church. We had seen Eric perform this live at one of the music fests we attended several years back. No one was sitting around Paul so we did a short dance. LOL!
Today, Stu is off the a pizza cooking class and yes – they get to eat what they make. I just finished the first round of edits for A DEADLY HEART. I still hope to get it up on Amazon in early February.
Not sure when I will blog again – you can check out all the photos in our SmugMug albums which are updated daily (well, mostly).

We are camped at Jetty Park. Why did Mardi Gras stop at the pier for a second time before you went out to sea?
Sorry for the late reply – WordPress has stopped sending me comment notifications. Sigh…
There evidently was a medical emergency with a crew member and they had to be taken away by ambulance. That was all we heard…