Did you realize February is a leap year? I didn’t until recently. I don’t know anyone who is a leap year baby, but I wish them all a happy birthday.
So what’s up with us this month? For starters, I get to do all the filing I’ve been putting off for the last six months. Hey, that’s better than previous years where I had most of the year to sort through. Once that is done, then I tackle prepping our tax information for our accountant. She is a whiz, but prefers everything on a spreadsheet with PDFs for all the tax forms. I have most of the forms (I think) but won’t be sure until I start checking them off as received on my spreadsheet.
Then it’s the expenses incurred from my writing, always a bit of a pain. You’d think after twelve years I’d have it down to a science. But I am better than I used to be. I manage to track 90% of them expenses as they are paid (yes, in the spreadsheet). I hope to be able to get it all compiled and sent off before I head to Colorado to be with my daughter during her surgery. I leave on Feb 24th and plan to return on 3/6 (pending anything unforeseen). Please keep her in your thoughts and continue to share her GoFundMe – every little bit helps.. She will be missing weeks of work after the surgery.
My writing? Check out the latest post on my author blog…
Stu? He’s pretty much cleaned up his hydraulic fluid spill in the pole barn. I’m still trying to get the smell out of the two wool shirts (tee and cardigan) he was wearing. Three washings (with pre-treatments), baking soda in a plastic bag for two days. Now hanging in the sun before another wash. He can’t really smell it, but I can. He’s headed off to his annual retired firefighter reunion in Orlando. He should only be gone a week.
That’s not bad – well, unless our escape artist, Cooper, keeps digging out. As soon as it warms up, we plan to install an electric fence wire along the bottom of the fence. Hopefully that will stop his digging. Sigh…
Murphy? He’s doing pretty good. He’s still wearing his cone. Our boarding spot took excellent care of him, even getting him a second round of antibiotics from their vet. They also started hydrotherapy on his wound and we are continuing it once a day to help promote the healing process. He has adjusted to the cone and manages to get in and out of his crate as well as drink/eat. We put a pillow from one of the crates on the living room floor with a backup crate pad. Needless to say, both boys like it.
We did have another cone from his old surgery and dug it out last night. The chewed up one is in the trash. LOL!