Remember when we had this blog, a blog for our planned Route 66 motorcycle trip that got delayed three years, a blog for living in Ecuador, and a blog for our Sadie pup? They’re all merged into this one (except Ecuador).
Now we have this blog, my author blog, Stu’s Backend of Nowhere Garage blog, and my more personal blog. Remember when I used to blog daily? There was always something to blog about when we were traveling. I tried to blog daily on my author blog to keep up readershipt.
When I started this post, I realized there was a month between the last two posts (not counting this one). Our living is pretty much the same from day to day, not much to write about. We’re down to one dog, the puppy antics and cute photos are mostly a thing of the past. Then factor in a much reduced readership (per the blog stats) and no comments, makes me wonder if it would improve if I posted more often. Maybe shorter posts, maybe just a photo? But why? Seems like most of our collective of family and friends are on Facebook.
That brings up another topic. FB has gotten so frustrating lately. I know most everyone agrees, but there doesn’t seem to be a good alternative. Back in the early days of the Internet, we all used email to keep in touch. I remember creating groups of contacts so I could send an email update out to a bunch of family and friends all at one time. Now email is more about business contacts. We text or use FB messenger.
I love my Apple computers, but have often told Stu if I couldn’t use them anymore, I’d just stop doing stuff online. Then I realized there was still my iPad and iPhone with access to the Internet. But being a hard core computer user, doing a lot of typing on either one is a bit cumbersome with old eyes and inflexible fingers. But I won’t give them up easily…
So, after rambling a bit – how often should we post in this blog?

I think you should blog as often or as little as you feel. Sometimes it becomes a chore and that can come across in the blog. (Not saying your does, just some blogs in general). So it would be better to do fewer blogs about interesting or funny/cute things, than to do a lot of mundane blogs that don’t hold people’s interest!
Those of us who subscribe will still see what you have posted and be happy to catch up on your life whether you post daily or monthly.
I think I did consider it a chore recently and that’s part of the reason I’ve slowed down. Thanks for sticking with me (us)!
Shoot, I remember back when you and I were both on About!
And before that, The Mining Company. Ahhhh, the early Internet days….
As you know I have followed you since your RVing days and Sadie days! I still enjoy all your blog entries.
I totally agree with you on FB. I am only on FB to share with friends and family our travels. I don’t have the time or patience for a blog. Maintaining a blog is like having a job without a paycheck!
I enjoy following Stu’s adventures with garage, maybe combine his blog with yours.
I like FB much better back in the day, but then I like a LOT of things better back in the day!
I understand what you mean about everyday living. You mentioned previously an upcoming project of replacing the porch, how about pics and blog on it. I always enjoy fur kid pics those never get old.
Being a senior is definitely HARD work, it is not for the faint of heart for sure. Hang in there I will continue to follow always!
I know a lot of folks loved the Sadie blog – it was fun to write, especially when she was a curious puppy. I will be doing some posts about the deck rebuild, but mostly photos since the mechanics/specifications are way out of my realm of understanding. LOL!
Oh, I remember your Sadie blog – I miss that goofy girl!
You should post as often as you like. If it’s not a joy to do, then you shouldn’t do it.
I agree about FB. I’m on there only to keep up with friends and family. Especially as remove into election season, I may get on once a day only to keep out as much of the B.S. as I can.
Can I make a suggestion? You talk about posting more pics…how about pics from your old blogs? Some of your favorite Ecuador pica, maybe and Miss Sadie at her goofiest? Just an idea. I definitely don’t want to create more work for you.
Family and friends are what keep me in FB – I hate when I realize I haven’t seen posts from someone in a while and have to go to their page to see what’s up. Once, I found out they had passed. Ugh!
I might do a reblog/rehash of old posts once I get through April and the A to Z challenge. Thanks for the suggestion.
I got a Logitech keyboard case for my ipad and I really like it. Keyboard attaches magnetically to case and automatically connects. Easy to take it off if I am not typing. I have also been using my Apple Pencil instead of keyboard for note taking, etc. It reads my handwriting very well. Still use my laptop for some financial things.
I enjoy your writing. Blogs, Facebook, whatever. Starts my day off right.
Thanks so much, Brenda. I used to have the keyboard for my iPad but never used it. I even mated a mouse to the iPad. That might be the way I eventually go. I use my Apple pencil extensively since my dry fingers often don’t activate the iPad. A mini stylus for the iPhone might be next. Glad you enjoy reading what I write!
I love keeping up with you & Stu, no matter how much you decide to do. You touch on many things that I’m also dealing with: for some reason, I fell away from spending much time on Facebook. It used to be a couple hours every evening; now it’s 2-3 times a week at best. Not a fan of Zuckerschmuck. Many things have contributed to my drastic reduction in FB posts — no longer RVing & losing Dave have both contributed to a lack of interesting places & things to share. My living 1000 miles from kids & grandkids also keeps me from frequent photos or events…so no news from those avenues either. It seems like I’m settled into this new life chapter, which is much more sedate than previous chapters. Sedate doesn’t allow for much inspiration!!
Yup, pretty much the same. Guess I will continue doing as I have but hopefully at least twice a month updates. Major hugs headed your way!!!