The first step in the deck replacement project was moving part of the backyard fence up to the front of the garage. It originally was at the far end of the small shed Stu uses for woodworking which was fine when we let Cooper out from the deck.
Stu and our good friend Earl spent all day last week installing a new fence line and removing the old one. Having a power auger made the process much quicker (Stu forgot to video Earl using the auger).
Stu finished the last step yesterday, getting the walk-in gate installed and we are now getting Cooper used to using it. Tomorrow or the next day, Stu will move the old magnetic screen from the deck installed on the garage door and put the new one into the deck door. We will still be able to sit out and enjoy nice weather while the deck is being rebuilt.
I did my part yesterday, pulling out everything in the three deck boxes and washing them. We gave our old patio table and chairs to our neighbor’s son (age 16) who loves to wheel and deal. He’s a hard worker and often helps us. We told him they could use it or sell it. Today, Stu is getting everything off the main deck and either stored away or put into the deck boxes that will remain for now. Cooper decided to help.
Stu has bought several tools to help in this project including a cement mixer and a wheelbarrow (yet to be assembled, waiting for the handles to arrive). Eventually the post hole auger and cement mixer will be sold to recoup some of the expenses.
Work on deck demolition will start on Wednesday. We have a large waste disposal bin being delivered and Earl will be back. I will try to grab some photos then of Stu and Earl hard at work. After demolition, the footers have to be poured for the upright supports. Then the deck can be rebuilt. Yes, this is a many weeks long project!
Today, it’s a chilly 50 degrees with clouds, good day for outdoor work (when dressed appropriately). Not sure if it was the cooler temperature, but we had a beautiful visitor to our bird feeder this morning, a red-headed woodpecker. We often see the red-bellied, but this is our first red-headed. I caught a short video of him.

Looks chilly, Stu is all bundled up. Your yard is BEAUTIFUL! Great for Cooper to run around for sure.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly we humans seem to gather and have “stuff” vs living in an RV. Our day is coming down the road I am sure.
Made it up to a high of 54 today, was in the 40s this morning. That’s one side of the yard – we have just under 2.5 acres overall with the pole barn on the other side (and fenced off). There is a horse barn (old with dirt floors) at the back and it’s all cross fenced for horses. Works for us since the pond is behind the pole barn and inside the second fence.