Yesterday was our first day in the 80s. That meant Stu got to work in the morning, come in for lunch and not go back out till around 3PM when the area was shaded. It was time to start digging the holes where the concrete footers will be set.
Problem one – he encountered concrete. A lot of concrete. He spent some time trying to break it up and plan for his footers.
He finally gave up when he realized it appears as though someone put in foundation footer than seems to run the entire length of our new deck. So now he needs to decide if he should rent a jack hammer for a day or move the plan for his footers out 12 or so inches. Decisions or decisions…. Okay, final decision is in. The new footers will be moved out by 12 inches. Busy work ahead…
As I looked down, I saw this fun set of foot/paw prints in the dirt. LOL!