Yesterday Stu headed to Lowe’s to pickup the lumber and other supplies for the footers. I snapped a couple of photos of him and a video of the hard work unloading them.
Today we woke to a rainy day but Stu was already planning on taking a day off from deck work and mowing instead. Well, both are on hold. We have rain in the forecast every day for the next week. Eeep! Tuesday, Cooper goes in for a much-needed grooming and we will run some errands while he’s getting done.
The deck build will take a while – first it’s the weather, then a trip to Maryland the end of the month for us both and a return trip for Stu a week after our return in June. By the time he gets back, most of June will be gone. July and August are our hottest months so he will be working early morning and late afternoons, weather permitting. He has promised to get it done before fall….
While I’ve shared the almost empty and almost full images of the waste dumpster, I’ll repeat them here.
And here is a couple of short time-lapse videos of the pickup.
Only one fun photo of Cooper, blending in with the rug on the back porch. LOL!
Hope your weekend plans are enjoyable – nothing on the agenda for us except maybe a movie on Sunday if the rain continues.